
Unlocking economic growth through better planning for employment and logistics space

The LPDF recently published its paper ‘Planning: the Key that will unlock economic growth – A 10 Point Plan for a Step Change in Delivery’, which sets out their asks for the next government.

Whilst the main focus of this article is on housing, and how we are failing to deliver the homes we need, one of their points focusses on Employment and Logistics Space.

It was at UKREiiF a few weeks ago, whilst attending the LPDF’s session ‘Is Planning Reform the Key to Unlocking Economic Growth?’, it was highlighted that there is very little within the NPPF that supports the delivery of employment and logistics space.

At Newton LDP, we have a number of employment and logistics sites, one of which has recently generated a huge amount of interest and competitive bids - the demand for high-quality warehouse space, close to the strategic road network, remains so high, simply because there isn’t enough supply.

There is little in the press about the sector, despite relying on it heavily in all aspects of our day today lives. In fact, it is the fastest growing sector in the UK, and has been for over a decade, set to overtake the NHS as the biggest employer.

So why is it that such a critical cog in our national supply chain is being overlooked?

It should be obvious that housing and employment go together (“sheds & beds”), as they support one another, therefore Newton LDP would support policy that sets Nationally derived targets for employment and logistics sites, in a similar vein to that of residential land supply.

This time next week we will know the outcome of the General Election, let’s hope that whatever administration we end up with, they address all aspects of the planning system and take a holistic approach to the relationship between housing and employment.