Land off Cawston Lane, Cawston, Rugby

Part of the south west Rugby SUE that has been allocated for 5,000 homes, primary and secondary schools, new neighbourhood centres, extensive new green and blue infrastructure and key highways infrastructure that will bring improvements to the wider Rugby area.

Location Rugby, Warwickshire 
Type of Project Stategic Land
Area 138.55 acres (56.07 hectares)
Type of Development Residential 
Size 600+ Dwellings
Client(s) Family Trust

Initially, the project began with the signing of a promotion agreement between the Trust and Taylor Wimpey in 2013, on the land to the east of Cawston Lane.

In 2017, another promotion agreement was entered into with Gallagher Estates (which was subsequently acquired by L&Q Estates) for them to promote the remainder of the land to the west of Cawston Lane.

In 2018, L&Q Estates submitted an outline planning application for a first phase for ‘up to 210 dwellings, a two-form entry primary school, and creation of associated vehicular access, pedestrian /cycle and emergency accesses, highway improvements to Cawston Lane, parking, landscaping, drainage features, open space and associated infrastructure (all matters reserved except vehicular access to the site)’. The site was granted planning permission in December 2022.

This first phase was sold to Miller Homes at the end of September 2024. The deal marked the first land sale since L&Q Estates’ acquisition by Catesby Estates.  

Catesby Estates and Taylor Wimpey are both currently in the process of preparing applications for the remainder of the land, which is contingent on the delivery of site wide infrastructure by Homes England.

For further information, or to register your interest in future opportunities, please contact:

Richard Foxon - Managing Director 

07591 495930

George Fox - Director

07721 260552

Land off Cawston Lane, Cawston, Rugby
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